Online Learning with the
Haida Gwaii Institute

Experience transformative education with the Haida Gwaii Institute online!

Continue working on your education from the comfort of your own home, while drawing on lessons and insight from Haida Gwaii. In staying true to our mission of providing transformative education inspired by Haida Gwaii, and to our values, including a community and place-based approach to education, our online courses will draw upon lessons from Haida Gwaii using much of the same pedagogy as our in-person programming.


List of Online Courses

Online Teaching & Learning Approach

We will implement a balanced approach of synchronous and asynchronous sessions in each of our courses, which includes live lectures, guest speakers, group discussions and activities blended with self-directed learning and exploration. Synchronous sessions will happen weekly over the course of a term. We work to build a sense of connection to place, through Haida Gwaii course materials and by centering local community voices.

Although apart, we will work together to create a sense of community in our online courses and look forward to building a unique and rewarding learning experience with you.


Our courses are 300-level or third year undergraduate, which means they cater to individuals with at least two years of post-secondary experience who are comfortable with the workload that comes with upper division courses. However, we do not have any set pre-requisites and as such our courses are open to individuals with other kinds of academic, personal, or professional experience that would make them well suited candidates for these courses. If you are interested in the content and are committed to the learning process, we invite you to register.

For questions or to discuss your eligibility, please reach out to our team.

Registration & UBC Admission

HGI is committed to equity and diversity, we encourage registrations from Indigenous students, students from various cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds, students from the LGBTQ+ community, mature students, and international students. We also value the participation and inclusion of Haida and local students and invite any interested people of Haida Gwaii to meet and learn more about opportunities to learn with us.

There are no co-requisites for our online courses, you are welcome to register for one or several. Seats are limited, so please consider applying early. We will confirm your registration on a first come first served basis until the class is full.

UBC students can complete our registration form and continue to register for the specific course directly with UBC, as they would any other course.

Non UBC students can complete our registration form and submit an application to the Non Degree Studies department as part of admissions. Our team can help you navigate this process, please read more here.